Food for strange dogs isn’t a rare occurrence in the home. Most dogs’ mouths and the nose are their entire universe, and they are compelled by the desire to put things into their mouths. They’ll pull objects out of the garbage, eat fascinating things during walks, and discover various objects on the counter in the kitchen when given a chance.
Many have heard cores of apples can be toxic due to the present seed. This is the case, however, in a large quantity. Your dog must take in a lot of apple seeds to put their overall health at risk. So don’t worry! If your dog consumed the core of an apple, chances are that she’ll pass it off without incident.
Are apples good for dogs?

Apples are beneficial for dogs. Apples are a fantastic food source of vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and antioxidants. They’re brimming with fiber, particularly in the peels. This aids dogs in healthily maintaining their weight while also helping in digestion.
Apples are a delicious, low-calorie food ideal for dogs looking to lose or keep their weight in check. However, since every apple contains approximately 19 grams of sugar, one apple could be too excessive for your pet. However, apples are an excellent option for your pet to indulge in its desire for sweetness (unlike sweets like chocolate or other human-based foods that could harm your dog).
Chewing an apple can aid in cleaning your dog’s teeth. However, apple peels may become caught between the teeth of your pet. The consumption of apples should be different from regular dental care, such as regular brushing and dental cleaning.
Can My Dog Eat Apple Cores?
No. Although apples are a cheap healthy, low-calorie treat that dogs can enjoy, the apple’s core isn’t pet-friendly. The hard center of an apple can be dangerous for dogs to chew, and the seeds are contaminated with small quantities of Cyanide.
Do I feed my dog Apple Cores?

The quick response is no. We don’t recommend feeding apple cores to your pet. Apples are safe for dogs of all breeds, but cores in and of themselves aren’t. Similar to banana peels, the greatest risk to dogs eating cores of apples is that they can pose a risk of choking. It could also lead to bowel obstruction, which can be life-threatening.
If your dog ate an apple core even though you weren’t paying attention, then the dog “should” be okay. However, we recommend calling your veterinarian, as described in the next steps. However, we don’t recommend feeding your dog the apple’s core because of the possible risks.
The apples contain amygdalin, and when the seeds are chewed, they will degrade into Cyanide. However, pets are unlikely to chew through the seeds sufficiently to release this toxin. Even if they did, it is only a small amount that won’t cause any harmful effects on most dogs.
Can dogs eat apples?
Dogs can indeed eat apples but in moderation. If you can ensure that you keep the seeds and the apple core from your dog’s teeth, your dog should be allowed to enjoy this fruit for a little treat. But, because of the high sugar content of the apples (and other fruits, too), it is recommended to consult your veterinarian if your dog is following an individualized diet, is overweight, or has diabetes.
It’s important to remember that apple pieces can cause injury to your pet when they’re too large. If you’re feeding your pet apples, be sure to cut them into smaller, bite-sized pieces.
Keep watch on your pet while they’re attempting their first apple. You’ll be able to spot any unusual reactions; should they happen, you’ll be able to ensure that you keep the bowl of fruit away from their reach for the next time.
Is Apple Seeds Poisonous to Dogs?

Apple seeds are poisonous for humans and dogs alike. The apple seeds contain Cyanide, a chemical that may cause hypoxia or lack of oxygen flow in the human body. The symptoms can include:
- Mucus membranes that are brick-red
- Dilated pupils
- Trouble breathing
- Panting
- Shock
- Small quantities of apple seeds should not cause poisoning by Cyanide. However, eating large seeds or drinking only a small amount frequently over time could cause poisoning with Cyanide.
How to Make Apples for Dogs
If you’re planning to prepare apples for your pet, think about consulting your vet about whether your specific pet should be eating apples. Many dogs with unknown sensitivities or allergies may be made worse when they eat apples.

For the first step in preparing your apple, start by giving the apple a thorough washing. Many apples, especially those purchased in grocery stores or markets, may be coated with pesticides or bacteria that could cause harm to your pet after washing and cutting them into slices or smaller pieces to ensure that they are digestible for your dog and also to prevent getting choked. The seeds and the apple’s core should be removed and tossed away when making an apple.