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Employee benefits such as Flexible Spending accounts allow you to deduct money from your salary before tax to use for health care and child-care expenses. FSAs, in contrast to Health Savings Accounts(HSAs), are administered independently of your insurance company. The FSA can, however, help you to save money in income taxes.
The Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan (FEHB) allows you to enroll in an FSA if this is your current eligibility.
What is the FSA?
The flexible savings account is a way for employees to put money away to cover out-of-pocket expenses. You deduct deductibles as well as copays, some prescription drugs, and coinsurance from your salary. A specific amount per year limits your FSA. From 2023 onwards, your maximum contribution to the account will be $3,050.
FSAs operate similarly to saving accounts. You do not pay taxes on these funds and can save a lot of money. Employers may sponsor the account and make contributions if they wish. FSAs are available to help cover the medical costs of you, your spouse, or dependents.
FSAs can be used to pay for your healthcare expenses, and two other types are available.
FSA dependent care: This FSA allows employees to put money aside for the cost of caring for a dependent so they may work or go to school. The expenses covered by the FSA include child care, elder care, and daycare.
FSAs for limited use: Limited-purpose FSAs cover only specific costs, like eye and dental care. Also covered are related over-the-counter products.
What is the FSA, and what are its benefits?
FSAs have the main advantage of allowing you to use thousands of dollars of tax-free funds for qualified medical expenses.
In the example above, a family earning $74,580 per annum in the U.S. would have to choose the FSA total contribution of $3200 for 2024. This household will then save $1,000 over the year.
This tax-free fund can be used to help cover expenses that would otherwise require you to pay cash. These funds aren’t just for the account owner’s medical bills. They can be used to pay medical expenses for your spouse or dependents, including children up to age 26 and adults listed as dependents.
FSAs can cover thousands of medical services and products.
How Does a FSA Work
Health FSAs cover expenses such as dental and vision care, copays, or deductibles that you’d otherwise be responsible for. Premiums paid for health insurance are not considered eligible expenses. You can find a comprehensive list of expenses that qualify by visiting IRS Publication 501.
Pre-tax, you are allowed to set aside a maximum of $3200 with the Healthcare FSA. Because Healthcare FSAs are linked to your company’s plans, even if it was with an earlier employer, the amount you contribute with your current employer is the same. An FSA is available to you during open registration or after a qualifying life event. However, at the time of enrollment, you need to choose a contribution level. It is not possible to change your mind or cancel the FSA at a later date.
When can I get my health FSA?
The amount of annual contribution to a Health Care FSA is available at the start of the plan year. Employees repay the funds in increments through payroll deductions over the remaining plan year.
At the end of each year, employees have 90 days to submit their claims.
There are risks and rewards to preloading for employers:
You can withdraw the whole amount from your account before you pay back any deductions.
When an employee leaves the business before the money is paid back, the firm cannot get the funds.
Employers are refunded any remaining funds at the end of a plan year.
If an employer terminates a contract before all of the employee’s funds have been used, they will receive the remainder.
How Do FSAs Work?
FSAs may be used to manage employees’ healthcare budgets. A health and medical FSA operates as follows:
It is up to your employer how much you contribute. However, it must be within the IRS limit (2750 dollars in 2021).
FSAs do not work as savings accounts. FSAs cannot be brought with you to a new job.
FSA dollars could only be recovered if you use them all by the end of the year.
In order to prevent employees from losing their money, most companies provide a grace period that will allow them to continue to use the funds they set aside in previous plan years, even if it is 2 1/2 months after the new year. The money in your account will be gone after this date.
This is the Bottom Line
FSAs can be more complex to manage than checking or savings accounts. If you do not participate, then you will lose out on a discount of about 30% for healthcare and also a decrease in income tax. A flexible spending account may be the best way for some taxpayers to manage their healthcare expenses and get tax savings.