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How to Merge Two Chrome Windows With Multiple Tabs

If you’re not rebellious, you’re using Google Chrome for your web surfing. For instance, Google Chrome is the most widely used browser, taking over half of the the worldwide market.

Similar to most browsers on the web, Google Chrome operates using tabs. The user opens a new tab to go to an online site or start an online search. Then, you can continue to the same tab or switch to new tabs. There’s no limit to the number of tabs open in Chrome; however, after more than a dozen, you’ll be unable to notice the headers on every tab, which tells you what’s happening.

Google Chrome has some built-in functions that help organize your browsers. However, there are a few applications that can make your life simpler. Here are the best tips and tools to help increase the efficiency of your Google Chrome game, saving time while increasing your productivity.

How do I group or join Two Windows By Using Multiple Tabs within Chrome?

Create separate windows to work on multiple tasks, research, or entertainment. You’re good until Chrome runs out of memory.

Is there a quick solution? Combine all the tabs in a single tab. It will not only allow users to locate the desired tab, but you will be able to navigate it more easily.

Drag and join Google Chrome Windows.

Chrome browser has an integrated feature that lets you join all your open windows into one. Here’s how:

  1. Open any Chrome window, click the first tab and hit the Shift key on your keyboard.
  2. Continue holding Shift until you click the last tab to open all tabs in the window.
  3. Release the Shift button and move the cursor to the next screen.

All tabs will be moved to the new window.

Multiple tabs open in Chrome

Chrome does not provide the ability to open multiple tabs; it is possible to combine Chrome bookmarks to make tiny sets of tabs simultaneously open.

It is possible to create bookmark folders in Chrome to access those pages simultaneously; you need to select the folder and let them all open.

Create a bookmark folder using Chrome.

To make a bookmarks folder on Chrome, press the “right” space at the upper right corner of the browser next to the last open tab. The menu that allows you to select “Bookmark every tab..” will appear.

Another way to do it faster is simply utilising the keyboard shortcuts to create a bookmarks folder on Chrome: Press Ctrl+Shift+D on Windows or Cmd+Shift+D on Mac to create bookmarks for all your tabs.

Convert Chrome windows into one without extensions.

One method to join Chrome Windows is by using the built-in functions built into Chrome. These are the steps to follow:

  1. Open the Chrome browser you’d like to merge.
  2. The first tab is the one to click (the one on the left).
  3. Press Shift, then click on the tab that you are currently in (the leftmost). This will open each available tab.
  4. Press the Shift key. Then, with the mouse, click dra,g the p, dragab into a different Chrome window.
  5. All tabs are now on a single screen.

The method is the same as transferring a single tab. However, you must select each tab before moving. Also, it works if you are using a multiple monitor system.

Make use of extensions to control tabs.

A different method to manage tabs is to install extensions created to assist in managing the overload of tabs. There is an advantage to using extensions because they are potent additions to Chrome.

However, too many extensions may create a browser that consumes additional computer resources.

Pick your poison!

One browser extension I’ve seen many recently use can be described as Auto Tab Discard. It’s a no-cost extension that shuts down tabs that aren’t being used, which frees space for your precious system resources. It then revives the tabs when you return to the tabs you’re using.

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