Tinder is a vast array of icons and symbols to indicate to other members that you are watching. The blue star and purple bolt are the most common of the icons.
A blue star in Tinder signifies that the profile you’ve created was “super-liked.” Instead of sliding either left or right, you can swipe upwards to”super-like” the person you’re super-liking. The Super Like is Tinder’s method of making profiles stand out among the others.
The purple bolt icon indicates that the person who liked you has been a fan through Tinder Boost. Tinder Boost feature.
This article will explain what Tinder’s blue star and purple bolt signify.
How to use Super Likes
Super Likes are available on the profile page or via the Super Likeable screen. If you’re looking at the profile, you’ll notice a blue star beside the other icons at the bottom. You can tap on that blue star or swipe it up to show Super Like. Super Like.
When you click on a Super Like button on your profile, it is displayed at the very top of the list, and they’ll be able to notice you. You will also receive an email with the details of your actions.
If someone Super likes you, and you are Super Liked, it will show as a notification on Tinder’s app. The notification light on your phone will also be alerted unless you’ve disabled them for Tinder. In any case, once you start Tinder, you’ll notice Super Likes in the middle of your page, and profile cards with blue lines and the blue star have been Super Liked by you. If you didn’t notice the message, there would be even a helpful note at the bottom, under the person’s name.
What Is Super Like?
I’ve been discussing Super Likes for a long time, didn’t I? Let me describe in-depth the specifics of Tinder’s Super Like feature.

It’s been available since 2015, and, in essence, this feature lets you tell anyone you’re interested in them before having an opportunity to swipe your profile.
Usually, you’re able to determine if a potential match likes you after the two swipes left. With the advent of Super Like, the user you’re interested in is aware before the time that they’ve captivated your attention.
What Does The Blue Star Mean On Tinder?
The blue star on your account of Tinder indicates the presence of a super like on Tinder, which means that someone has made use of the super like feature on Tinder on you. Super like is a top feature of the tinder app, which lets you like people before swiping your right. The blue star symbol is displayed when you like someone or when other users have a similar relationship. You’ll get five of them if you have tinder Plus or something similar to gold, and one for free if you already have a free account on Tinder.
The blue star of Tinder
The blue star on Tinder is Super Like. It’s not just a normal-like, but a Super one. These are the ones to keep to use when you genuinely like people on Tinder. If you notice a blue star, it’s a sign that the person whose profile is right next to it truly is a fan of you. It’s a clear indication that they have something in your profile or photos they’d like to know more about and would like to learn more about the details of it.
Free users receive only one Super Like a day to use only very sparingly. Tinder Plus and Tinder Gold users can enjoy five profiles each day, and it’s not enough considering the number of profiles you’ll likely use each day, so it remains a popular option.
What Does A Blue Star Mean On Tinder Profile?
This means that it means that someone has liked your profile. You may have liked the individual, or that particular person has liked you and reciprocated the love. You will see the red star show into your profile in either case. You will be able to find out why it’s there on through messages and watching your profile’s top screen. It will show the person who liked your profile.
Do Super Likes even work?
There are two different schools of using the subject of Super Like. On the one hand, some believe that they prove that someone loves you and would like to know more about you. The fact that they are scarce can make the person who has been super liked to take note and pay attention. According to Tinder Super Likes, they offer three times more chances of success over a normal-like. There isn’t any evidence to back this up, though.
On the other hand, there are those who Tinder users believe that Super Likes are creepy and suggest desperately. A few users state that they think “eew” whenever they find someone who has been Super Liked and then swipe away.
What Does The Blue Check Mean On Tinder?
The account on Tinder has issues with fake profiles and other irregular activities. The account of Tinder has set up an authentication process to remove the fake profiles created to identify the problem. The blue checkmark on the profile indicates that it confirms that it is a natural person. The account on Tinder typically uses facial recognition technology to analyze your images to determine if your profile is accurate or not.
The power of Super-Likes to work
Super Likes are an independent part of Tinder that can be a fire and forgetful. However, it shouldn’t be, and it shouldn’t be something you utilize as a stand-alone feature. To use them effectively, you must create a frame for your opening line before hitting the blue star. If they don’t respond to your suggestion, then you’ll start the conversation with an uninteresting opening line or, even more importantly, “Hey”, is just wasting the opportunity.
Consider your opening line and then frame the first two messages you’ve thought of before hitting your blue star. If they respond, you’re now ready to start on the suitable base by coming up with something interesting, hopefully, clever or humorous and appealing. Whatever you choose to do, planning your opening line before deciding to apply Your Super Like stands a much greater chance of success instead of letting it be a chance.